J'adore les escargots et le beurre d'escargot encore plus et c'est l'un des mets que j’attends toujours avec beaucoup d'impatience au moment des fêtes... Pour changer un peu ma façon de les consommer, j'ai décidé de les dévorer dans des brioches pour l'apéritif. La douceur et le moelleux de la brioche s'adaptent parfaitement aux escargots, pour un apéritif original et des plus savoureux qui pourrait peut-être bluffer les enfants au point de leur faire manger ces petites bêtes qu'ils boudent parfois...
Mon astuce: si vous manquez de temps, vous pouvez prendre des escargots déjà garnis en beurre d'escargot, il ne suffira plus que de transvaser leur contenu dans les mini-brioches.
Ingrédients (pour 20 bouchées):
Pour les brioches:
-250g de farine
-60g de lait
-45g de beurre froid
-2 petits œufs (ou 1 très gros)
-1 cuillère à café de levure de boulanger
-1/4 cuillère à café de sel
Pour la garniture:
-20 escargots
-125g de beurre mou
-1 grosse gousse d'ail
-1/2 bouquet de persil
-sel et poivre du moulin
Laissez gonfler la levure dans le lait préalablement tiédi.
Dans la cuve de la machine à pain, versez la farine, le sel, les œufs battus et le lait. Lancez le mode pâte et laissez pétrir 2 minutes avant d'ajouter le beurre froid coupé en petits dés. Laissez monter tranquillement. Une fois la pâte prête, dégazez-la puis façonnez des petites boules de pâtes et placez-les dans un moule à mini muffin. Laissez gonfler encore 1 heure dans un endroit chaud.
Préchauffez le four à 180°C.
Badigeonnez les petites brioches de lait puis enfournez pour 7 minutes. A la sortie du four, laissez les brioches refroidir sur une grille.
Pendant ce temps, mixez ensemble l'ail et le persil puis ajoutez-les au beurre mou. Salez et poivrez.
Lorsque les brioches sont froides, coupez leur tête puis évidez-les délicatement. Placez un escargot dans chaque brioche puis une noisette de beurre. Replacez les têtes. Conservez au réfrigérateur jusqu'au moment de les consommer.
Préchauffez le four à 180°C. Enfournez les brioches et laissez-les cuire environ 5 minutes (le beurre doit avoir fondu) puis servez aussitôt.
I love snails and especially snail butter, it's a treat that I really enjoy for the holidays.... To change the way I usually eat them, I've decided to put them in small brioches for the appetizer. Soft and tender, the brioche goes perfectly with the snail. For an original and tasty appetizer that could even impress the children that usually don't care much for snails...
I love snails and especially snail butter, it's a treat that I really enjoy for the holidays.... To change the way I usually eat them, I've decided to put them in small brioches for the appetizer. Soft and tender, the brioche goes perfectly with the snail. For an original and tasty appetizer that could even impress the children that usually don't care much for snails...
My advice: if you don't have time, you can take already garnished snails, you will only have to pour them into the brioches.
Ingredients (for 20 pieces):
For the brioches:
-2 cups of flour
-1/4 cup of milk
-3 tablespoons of butter
-2 small eggs (or 1 big)
-1 teaspoon of baker's yeast
-1/4 teaspoon of salt
For the stuffing:
-20 snails
-1/2 cup of softened butter
-1/2 bunch of fresh parsley
-salt and grounded pepper
Let the baker's yeast rise in the warm milk.
In the bread machine, pour the flour, the salt, the beaten eggs and the milk. Put on dough mode and let it knead for 2 minutes before adding the cold butter in small dices. Let it rise on dough mode. Once the dough is ready, remove the gas and form some small dough balls and put them in a mini muffin mold. Let them rise for 1 hour in a warm place.
Preheat the oven at 350°F.
Brush the small brioches with a little bit of milk and bake for 7 minutes. Once there are out of the oven, let them cool on a grill.
Meanwhile, mix together the garlic and parsley and add them to the softened butter. Season with salt and pepper.
Once the brioches are cool, cut their heads and add core them. Put a snail in each brioche and a little bit of parsley butter. Put the heads back. Keep in the fridge until you eat.
Preheat the oven at 350°F. Cook the brioche and cook them for 5 minutes (the butter must be melted) and serve immediately.
For the brioches:
-2 cups of flour
-1/4 cup of milk
-3 tablespoons of butter
-2 small eggs (or 1 big)
-1 teaspoon of baker's yeast
-1/4 teaspoon of salt
For the stuffing:
-20 snails
-1/2 cup of softened butter
-1/2 bunch of fresh parsley
-salt and grounded pepper
Let the baker's yeast rise in the warm milk.
In the bread machine, pour the flour, the salt, the beaten eggs and the milk. Put on dough mode and let it knead for 2 minutes before adding the cold butter in small dices. Let it rise on dough mode. Once the dough is ready, remove the gas and form some small dough balls and put them in a mini muffin mold. Let them rise for 1 hour in a warm place.
Preheat the oven at 350°F.
Brush the small brioches with a little bit of milk and bake for 7 minutes. Once there are out of the oven, let them cool on a grill.
Meanwhile, mix together the garlic and parsley and add them to the softened butter. Season with salt and pepper.
Once the brioches are cool, cut their heads and add core them. Put a snail in each brioche and a little bit of parsley butter. Put the heads back. Keep in the fridge until you eat.
Preheat the oven at 350°F. Cook the brioche and cook them for 5 minutes (the butter must be melted) and serve immediately.
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